Jealous of the Birds

Beginner’s Luck
Painter in your linen shirt, come teach me how to see,
perfumed with fresh turpentine, imported oolong tea.
Swirl me up in yellow ochres, pigments ruddy rose.
You see what you look for and you go where no one goes.

Sailor in your schooner, come teach me how to sail.
The sky is full of ribbons and the water’s milky pale.
I’ve never seen an albatross,
or felt the tempest’s tongue.
Sail until the sailboat splinters, sail it while you’re young.

I’m never done.
I’m never done.

Gardener, come walk with me and
teach me how to grow fragrant herbs,
peonies and poppies all aglow.
Honour true persistence -- the sheer will to survive.
Every bud and blossom, seed and sapling demands life.

I’m never done.
I’m never done.

Judge, meet me in the courtroom
and teach me to decide the
honest course of action with prejudice aside.
Cloud and feather, salt and sugar,
lion’s tooth and nail weigh
heavy down on either side of your golden scales.

I’m never done.
I’m never done.
I’m never done.
I’m never done.

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